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French - National 5
Course Content
The Course provides learners with the opportunity to develop their reading, listening, talking and writing skills in order to understand and use a modern language. This Course is made up of three mandatory Units which taken together, include the four language skills of reading, listening and talking, and writing.
The structure of the Units enables learners to focus on the skills required to understand and use a modern language, and to integrate reading, listening, talking and writing skills across the Units. Each Unit also offers opportunities for learners to focus on particular skills. The three units are:
Modern Languages: Understanding Language
The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop reading and listening skills in the modern language and to develop their knowledge of straightforward language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture.
Modern Languages: Using Language
The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop talking and writing skills in the modern language, and to develop their knowledge of straightforward language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture.
Topics in National 5 French are taught across four contexts:
- Context 1: Society
- Context 2: Learning
- Context 3: Employability
- Context 4: Culture
Pupils have 4 periods a week of National 5 French.
Homework is an extremely important part of the course.
Pupils will be assessed in the following ways:
Unit Assessment
As of the 2017/2018 session there are no compulsory unit assessments, however these are often still used in the department in the case of presenting candidates for "units only".
External Assessment
The Reading & Writing exam and the Listening exam take place during the SQA exam diet in May.
The Talking performance will be assessed in school by the teacher and can be verified by the SQA.
Pupils complete a piece of Writing coursework which is sent to SQA for marking.
The four skill areas now carry equal weighting; 25% per skill.
Pupils who successfully complete the National 5 course at level A-B can progress to Higher