Balwearie High School

Mentors in Violence Prevention

mvp policy final 1 .pdf

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) is a peer mentoring leadership programme for young people.  It gives young people the chance to explore and challenge the attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin gender-based violence.

It addresses a range of behaviours including sexting, controlling behaviour, sexual harassment and consent, and uses a ‘bystander’ approach where individuals are not looked on as potential victims or perpetrators but as empowered and active bystanders with the ability to support and challenge their peers in a safe way. A strong emphasis has been placed on building healthy, respectful relationships both in the school and in the community.

Mentors in Violence Prevention was introduced to Scotland in 2012 and has its origins in America (Katz, J. 1999).  By 2021 all 32 local authorities have engaged with the programme with 30 now actively delivering it in their secondary schools.

Here at Balwearie our S6 mentors deliver MVP sessions to S1,2,3 & 4. This year we are in the position for the 1st time whereby our S6 mentors have received MVP sessions themselves throughout their time at Balwearie. We are very pleased to have such a dedicated and eager group of young people who are determined to make a positive difference to the lives of their peers.
Mentors will also be supporting in House assemblies, during non-class time and on the way to and from school. They also offer a weekly drop-in session to support our young people on a wed lunchtime. 

Useful Websites

 Home | KASP | Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project | Fife

FRASAC | Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre
Home - Fife Women's Aid (