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At Balwearie, our Media courses are designed to help our pupils understand the
central role of the media in our society, encouraging them to consider some of the
broader issues surrounding film, TV, newspapers, magazines, computer games and
'new' media.
What is the influence of media on our values and beliefs?
What role do these media play in our society and way of life?
Are people/groups represented realistically and fairly on TV, in film, in newspapers, etc?
As well as dealing with the wider issues, our courses also deliver a more detailed focus on specific
media products. Pupils are challenged to deconstruct films, TV programmes, internet content and
advertising in order to reveal the key messages contained in our everyday media. Our department
primarily focuses on film media but each of our classes covers a wide range of texts.
Creating Media
Furthermore, a fundamental element of our work is the making of Media: film trailers, music videos,
storyboarding and posters. We develop our students' understanding of how to research products and
then successfully take their ideas from planning through to production. Our students have produced
some amazing films and magazines, using their media skills and plenty of creativity to achieve excellent results!