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Here at Balwearie we have 3 Spanish teachers and have students in every year group from S1 – S6 studying Spanish. You can find information for each year group by following the relevant links below.
Fun facts about Spain
The capital (and largest city) of Spain is Madrid
The Population of Spain is estimated to be just over 46 million
Spain is the world's 51st-largest country
The official language of Spain is Spanish (Catalan, Valencian, Gallego, Euskera are independent languages spoken in Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia and The Basque Country)
Spain has over 8,000km of beaches
The Spanish National Holiday is 12th October
Spain's territory includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic
The Spanish national anthem is called La Marcha Real (The Royal March) and it has no words
Spain's Currency is the Euro.
Soccer is the most popular spectator sport in Spain.
The average life expectancy in Spain is 79 years old.
Bullfighting is the biggest and most controversial sport in Spain and is an integral part of Spanish history, art and culture with bull rings in all major cities and beyond.
Accepting a second serving is one of the best ways to show appreciation to the cook in Spain.
The patron saint of Spain is Saint James (Santiago)
There are no tooth fairies in Spain. Instead, there is a tooth mouse named Ratoncito Pérez!
Spain produces 44% of all the earth’s olive oil
One of the best known Spanish foods is paella
On the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Buñol in Valencia, tens of tons of tomatoes are thrown in the streets in a food fight called La Tomatina