Balwearie High School

Covid-19 Request

Dear Parent/Carer,
It is worth noting the following:
From week beginning Monday, 14 December any young person who is identified as a close contact of a positive Covid-19 case, this could be considered retrospectively to Saturday, 12 December, will be required to self-isolate on Christmas day. It is, therefore, vitally important that young people redouble their efforts to follow the health and safety rules in school. As per advice from NHS Fife, please do not send your child to school if they have any of the following symptoms:
  • a high temperature
  • a new continuous cough
  • a loss or change to their sense of taste or smell


If they have any of those symptoms you should arrange for a Covid-19 test. If the test is negative they can return to school. By operating with due diligence and a collective responsibility we could minimise the impact of this terrible virus over Christmas and enable a more enjoyable festive break. I would appreciate your support with the reinforcement of this message at home. Thanks in advance.
N McNeil