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Important message about Blazers
Message from the Head Teacher to parents/carers regarding blazers.
From next session, I would like to encourage the wearing of blazers across the school as I believe this will impact positively on the feeling of pride and belonging within our community. Your support with this will be gratefully received.
I have arranged for pupils to be fitted for a blazer, details below, to enable you to order directly from our website, the shop website or from the shop itself. Your son/daughter will bring home a note with his/her size and all the information you need should you wish to proceed.
Fitting days have been arranged as follows and do not interfere with SQA exams:
S4 and S5 Friday 4th May from 12.45 pm onwards
S4 and S5 Monday14th May from 12.45pm onwards
S1 S2 and S3 pupils will have fittings during the school day on Tuesday 8th May and Wednesday 9th May
P7/S1 information on blazers will be forthcoming soon
Thanks, in advance, for your continued support.
Neil McNeil.