The school and the parents/carers of its pupils form a partnership with the mutual aim of promoting the effective learning of the pupils and educating them in the widest sense of the term. For this partnership to be effective, there must be strong links established through a communication system used and understood by all involved.
"We welcome parental interest"
We know that in the past some parents/carers have been reluctant to come to the school. Often they don't want to interfere, or feel they are being a nuisance. We welcome parental interest. We genuinely want to see you and hear from you as often as possible. If you feel there is a problem - or if you simply want to discuss progress - please get in touch and we will try to make arrangements to see you at our mutual convenience.
The first point of contact for parents/carers is the pupil's Guidance Teacher. However, parents/carers may wish to contact the Depute Headteacher for the year group, or the Headteacher.
Contact can be made by letter or telephoning. Please visit our contact us page for more information.