Balwearie High School


Key Information


Are you interested in finding out about Widening Access Programmes?

Balwearie have close links with Universities which has a focus on Widening Participation. 

Each University offer a Government scheme to encourage more applicants from backgrounds that may have not considered University as an option.  These can include the first in the family to go to University, Young Carers or lower income families. 

Some of the support that you will receive: live on-line help and presentations which will benefit all students applying to University.  There are also former pupils from Balwearie who will be involved in Q and A sessions. Campus visits and application advice.

Pupils have to register for this programme and the courses on offer.


Are you interested in applying for a Design or Art related Course?

Access to Creative Education in Scotland(ACEs) Dundee University: Art and Design/Architecture



Are you interested in studying Law, Medicine or Vet Medicine?

REACH: Dundee University: Dentistry and Law

REACH: St Andrews University: Medicine


YourEd Edinburgh University

Are you interested in finding out more about Your Ed support programme?

You must have signed up by the first introductory session on 25th September.


Key documents

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